France’s MORTUAIRE set release date for debut

On March 7th internationally, World Eater Records is proud to present the highly anticipated debut of France’s MortuaireMonde Vide. Formed in 2021, Mortuaire are a death metal band hailing from Bordeaux. Comprised of musicians from well-established bands on the national and international scene – Year of No Light, Bombardement, The Great Old Ones, Monarch! and Faucheuse among them – Mortuaire deliver a powerful and visceral sound. After releasing a three-song demo in 2023 under the French label World Eater Records, the band is now set to unveil their debut full-length, Monde Vide.

MORTUAIRE – Tranchant

An extension and intensification of that no-less-stout demo, Monde Vide comprises five songs with a total runtime of 36 minutes, fully displaying Mortuaire’s considerable power and potential. Those quick with math will note similarly extended song-lengths here, just like on the demo, but the quintet’s patient-yet-propulsive songwriting make those generous minutes just melt away; Mortuaire are nothing if not urgent in their intensity. Still, the world-eating and sometimes-stomping tank-grooves they construct here draw reverent influence from such iconic bands as Bolt Thrower, Autopsy, Finland’s Demigod, and Corrupted with their execution – „locked in yet loose,“ to put it pithily – really rendering Mortuaire a tasteful aspect. Additionally, the subtle infusion of doom makes these mountains of miasmic darkness seem even larger than they already are, particularly the nearly ten-minute title track. The final dusting on an already acidic cake is the production: absolutely pro, absolutely punishing, total DREAD and DEATH in 3D. Prepare to both drown and be crushed by Monde Vide!