With the song and video clip ‚Hefenfelth‘, monastic doom instigators Arð set up an artistic monument to a fateful battle. The track is taken from the Northumbrian band’s highly anticipated sophomore full-length „Untouched by Fire„, which is slated for the release date April 26, 2024.
Arð – Hefenfelth [Official Visualizer] (youtube.com)
Battles and kings often seem to be the only surviving memories of ancient times – particularly when the fate of lands and people hung in the balance. With his crushing victory at Heavenfield (‚Hefenfelth‘), King Oswald of Bernicia saw his powerful enemy Cadwallon ap Cadfan, King of Gwynedd fallen on the battlefield alongside many Welsh warriors. This battle paved the way for the Kingdom of Northumbria and it also crushed the British Celtic resistance against the rising Germanic Anglo-Saxon tide in the Northeast of what is now known as England.
Arð comment: „The location of what is now thought to have been Heavenfield is nowadays a fairly unassuming, remote field“, mastermind Mark Deeks tells from experience. „If you visit at night, it feels like you can ‚hear‘ every sound for miles around. If this really was the location to which Oswald returned in order to claim the Kingdom of Northumbria, the field was witness to some truly significant sights and sounds in terms of the history of both the region and England as a whole. Musically this was the beast that I wrestled with the most and over many months. Yet when it all came together, it felt deeply satisfying.“