AUSTERE release new single Cold Cerecloth

AUSTERE release the new track ‚Cold Cerecloth‘ as the third and final single taken from the Australian black metal duo’s forthcoming new full-length „Beneath the Threshold“. The fourth album of the band from Wollongong in New South Wales has been chalked up for release on April 5, 2024.

Austere – Cold Cerecloth [Official Single] (

AUSTERE comment: „We have already started playing ‚Cold Cerecloth‘ live“, guitarist and singer Mitchell Keepin states on behalf of the duo. „We aimed for a song that gets musically straight to the point and retains that feeling from beginning to end. Although ‚Cold Cerecloth‘ appears to be simple and is pushed forward by a fairly static structure, the song actually captures a fairly broad spectrum. The lyrics are used in an introspective and rather cryptic way. In a way, this track provides a backdrop for the words hence the straight nature of its movement.“