Massachusetts death metal addicts BONGINATOR have set their signatures under a multi-album deal with Testimony Records and will release their sophomore album via the label, which is also making the previously sold out debut album „The Intergalactic Gorebong of Deathpot“ (2023) available on CD again.
BONGINATOR comment: „We are stoned… I mean uh… stoked to announce our signing with Testimony Records and SPKR!“, frontman Erik Thorstenn writes. „We are looking forward to continuing that relationship forged in pot smoke. You guys can expect a lot more room temperature IQ death metal emerging from our stoned haze in the coming years, and Testimony will do their part by creating and distributing the dopest CDs, vinyls, tapes, and whatever else folks have the munchies for. We’re also trying to get them to let us have our own weed. We’ll keep you posted. We are also extremely excited to see what this does for our worldwide audience of stoners. We believe the future for Bonginator is looking very dank and we can’t wait to see where this signing takes us. Expect more music, more shows in more places, and of course more weed. Anyway – we’re gonna take another rip from this gravity bong that I built using a beer keg and a pool noodle and then get back to work… want to try it?“
Testimony Records add: „We are thrilled to unleash Bonginator upon the world in general and on all those that are still unsuspecting victims in particular“, label manager Thomas Strater enthuses. „Despite widespread assumption to the contrary, these weed-breeding death metal maniacs are anything but slow-paced. They are going all in with their fresh approach to sonic devastation, which blends old and new elements to a unique thunderstorm of death metal fury. Hear and see them detonating like a red-hot bong both on record and during their wild live shows.“