Did you ever wonder what broomsticks are really made for? Here we go: BRUME solve this riddle in their new video clip for the sludgy melancholic, doom-dripping track ‚How Rude‘, which is taken from their forthcoming new full-length „Marten“ as the next single. The Bay Area goth-doom quartet’s third album is chalked up for release on May 3, 2024.
Brume – How Rude [Official Music Video] (youtube.com)
BRUME comment: „On the same day we were quarantined because of Covid, the California Wildfires turned the sky dark amber and made the air practically unbreathable“, vocalist and bass player Susie McMullan relates. „I looked at the sky and said, ‚come on Mother Earth, give us a break‘ and she said, ‚Fuck you, I gave you everything and you ruined it! So I’m taking it all back‘. In honor of Mother Earth, whom I’ve lovingly named Druscilla, I wrote a poem in her voice with that sentiment, which Jamie adapted into ‚How Rude‘.“