CAMERATA MEDIOLANENSE unveil the beautiful video clip ‚Embryo Ventosa‚ as the first single taken from the Italian ensemble’s forthcoming new album „Atalanta Fugiens“ („Atalante Fleeing“), which is based on an enigmatic alchemist tome and chalked up for release on June 14, 2024: Camerata Mediolanense – Embryo Ventosa [Official Music Video] (
CAMERATA MEDIOLANENSE comment: „The first single ‚Embryo Ventosa‘ is based on the first emblem in ‚Atalanta Fugiens‘, which is an unusual book released in 1617 and written by the German medic Michael Maiert that joins together alchemy and music in an investigation of nature’s secrets“, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and choir vocalist Elena Previdi explains. „In the womb of Boreas, the powerful North wind, an embryo grows, which, thanks to its multiple qualities, will surpass any heroic feat previously accomplished, if it manages to come to light. This is the element sulfur, spelled ‚Sulphur‘, which in Maier’s time had just been discovered on Sicily. However, the enormous positive potential of sulfur is balanced by the equally great risks linked to its toxicity. Thus, beneath a melodic line that is easily remembered, a modal complexity is hidden, which is only perceived when it triples and dialogues riskily with the ostinato percussion.“