Icelandic pagan black metal trio FORTÍÐ release the second track ‚Fimbulvetur‘ of the EP „Dómur um dauðan hvern“ („Judgement of Everyone Dead“) as a lyric video exclusively via the renowned YouTube channel Black Metal Promotion at this link: Fortíð – Fimbulvetur (Official Lyric Video) – YouTube
FORTÍÐ comment: „The first track of the EP, ‚Fimbulvetur‘ tells about a time in the past when the eruption of a volcano blocked the sun for some years, killing crops and livestock, which left people starving and murdering each other for every little scrap that they had left to eat“, mastermind Einar Eldur Thorberg explains. „It’s about people, who worshipped the sun and had lost their faith, thinking that their god was either dead or had abandoned them.“