We all know bands like I’LL BE DAMNED that, no matter how good their albums and music are – and the Danish band really knows how to write and record good music – they’ll always top themselves in the live environment. Those who witnessed any gig of the fab five from Aarhus know what we’re talking about here.
And now YOU are about to know it too, as I’ll Be Damned will release their first live album ever, simply titled „Live At Radar“, on November 24th via Mighty Music. Recorded at a sweat-soaked, sold-out night at the Radar, in their own hometown of Aarhus, the recording, which will be available in a digital format, features 16 tracks, with a natural focus on the latest album „Culture“, but also a few back-catalog anthems and a heartfelt cover version of Entombed’s „Wolverine Blues“. A perfect night, in which I’ll Be Damned had a few friends from Baest and Plaguemace on stage, immortalized in an audio and video document that will witness forever just how strong this band is every time they step on a stage.