REBAELLIUN: European tour & playthrough video

Brazilian death metal masters REBAELLIUN will embark on a European tour in support of their new album „Under The Sign Of Rebellion“, out now on Agonia Records. The tour kicks off today in France with Italy’s Exitium as support. In anticipation of the tour, REBAELLIUN is premiering a guitar playthrough video for the song „The God’s Menace“: REBAELLIUN – The God’s Menace (Official Guitar Playthrough) – YouTube

Tour dates:
03.11 Winter Rising Fest – Paris, FR
04.11 Music On – Den Haag, NL
05.11 Elpee Cafe – Deinze, BEL
07.11 TBA – GER
08.11 Klub Muz L – Wroclaw, PL
09.11 Hells Bells – Prague, CZ
10.11 Gustaf K – Maribor, Słowenia
11.11 D.O.G. Fest – Milan, IT